How to Write a Dissertation Abstract in 5 Simple Steps

The abstract is a vital component of any dissertation. It is presented at the beginning and has a major impact on the readers. Here are some valuable steps that you can use in constructing your abstract for your dissertation

  • Introduce your topic in the first sentence of your abstract.
  • Of course, this will be difficult since it requires skimming all the necessary information and writing it down while giving the most appropriate amount of information to the reader. Keep in mind that when you write your dissertation, your readers are your examiners. When you begin to write bear in mind that your readers are well aware of what you are about to discuss and you need to highlight your topic and its originality at your best.

  • State and summarize the problem that you have planned on presenting in your dissertation.
  • You now have to write about the focus of your paper. Emphasize on your key question. Again, make sure that you do this in one sentence. This should be the most concise and intriguing sentence of your abstract since it will have to attract the reader’s interest.

  • How you were able to take up this topic and built a reasonable argument against or for it?
  • This is what you have to focus on next. Explain what your big idea is. What makes your perspective worth reading? Make sure that you are able to convince the reader to turn to the next page of your dissertation.

  • How did you conduct your research related to your big idea successfully?
  • This is going to be the longest sentence that you have to write in your abstract. The longer it is, the more detail needs to be present it .but don’t drag it for too long because then the abstract will lose its meaning. Tell your readers if you conducted any experiments, case studies or surveys. Since you are covering a long time worth research, then you’re bound to have some space for writing it down.

  • Make the abstract burst in the end telling the reader about the impact of your research.

You don’t have to discuss the outcome of your experiment. What this portion requires is a summary of all the implications that you have presented. Explain what it all means? Why should people give heed to it? And what good can come out of your research?
