How To Survive Dissertation Defense: A List Of Sample Questions

You will have to defend your dissertation to the board. To ensure that you are going to succeed at this task, it is best to make sure that you can answer yes to the questions that your board will be asking themselves as you are doing your defense. These are the questions and topics that they will be using to see whether or not you have succeeded in completing your paper. it is a really good idea to make sure that your paper handles these situations.

Go through these questions and see if you have taken care of these issues. It will give you an idea if your paper will be a success. You will also feel more comfortable with your defense when you have an idea of what you are looking for.

  • What is your dissertation about?
  • Does you dissertation contain all of the parts that are needed?
  • Do you present a clear argument?
  • Are your resources relevant to the study?
  • Is your review descriptive or does it really analyze the literature?
  • Are the links between your methodology and the review apparent?
  • Did you take precautions to avoid source bias?
  • Did you use the correct method to collect data?
  • Have you tested your hypothesis?
  • Are the results relatable to the question that you posed?
  • Are there any ways to make your results clearer?
  • Have you properly identified and summarized any trends?
  • Are there any limits to the validity of your data?
  • Have you discussed the main points and linked to the literature?
  • Have you attempted to build a theory and presented them with solid facts?
  • Are the right sources cited and have you cited any work from someone in your board?

These are some of the questions that your board will be asking themselves as you are defending your paper. By knowing that you have addressed these issues, it will make it so much easier to take the stress away during these proceedings. Answer the questions and ensure that you have really addressed these issues.

Go over these concepts to help you make sure that you are prepared to answer some of the questions that may be asked of you. By preparing yourself, you will be able to relieve the stress and make you feel more confident.
